The main objectives of the AMULET (Advanced Control Unit for Morphing Leading Edge Management) project are the design and the development of a compact control device for Morphing Leading Edge application with the following innovative characteristics:

  • reduced dimensions and weight
  • smart sensing algorithms
  • advanced control laws
  • innovative health monitoring strategies
  • modular software
  • smart power management

In order to achieve aforementioned goals, the AMULET project contributes with design and development of an innovative control unit for morphing leading edge application with two main modules integrated together:

  • smart and robust EMA control unit in order to achieve the desired shape
  • power supply unit for intelligent on-board energy management

providing advanced technologies such as:

  • integrated control solution – power management and control laws combined in the same unit with optimization of space and number of components
  • intelligent acquisition routines of feedback actuator and shape reconstruction data (load and position) in order to lighten acquisition computational effort and storage processes with a flexible approach based on each working status adequately labelled
  • multi level control approach for managing several actuators with a single control device
  • chance to control EMA brake systems
  • advanced and reliable device using integrated hardware and software status monitor functionalities
  • integrated health management system and BIT
  • dedicated control for power distribution
  • model based approach used to develop several software modules in order to increase testability and to provide modelling solutions

ItalSystem was selected for the planning, design, development, integration and V&V processes according to the RTCA DO-178C standard, due to its twenty-year experience in the design and certification of avionic and embedded systems.

According to the dissemination policy to encourage accessible and open scientific research, complete information on this Project is available at The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS)

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