Italsystem participates in the ‘States General Space, Security, Defence’ meeting.

Italsystem took part in the "Space, Security and Defence States General" meeting, held in Naples on 6 December 2019, on the subject of the next challenges for European industry in the field of aerospace.

It was only a few days ago that the European Parliament approved the new space programme, which proposes a budget of EUR 16 billion in the upcoming 2021/2027 budget.

Le politiche per lo Spazio potranno, inoltre, beneficiare dei fondi per l’innovazione e la ricerca previsti nel programma Orizzonte Europa, per il quale la Commissione europea ha proposto una dotazione di 100 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2021/2027, che il Parlamento europeo vuole portare a 120 miliardi di euro.

In recent years, the European Union has completed the deployment of the EGNOS, Copernicus and Galileo satellite systems, Europe's first physical infrastructures, which no Member State alone would have been able to realise.

In a world increasingly dominated by giants such as China, the United States, Russia or India, Europe must therefore join forces to meet the challenges it faces, including in terms of strategic autonomy.

The European Parliament and the European Commission see Space, Security, Cyber Security and Defence policies as areas where action at EU level has a strong added value, in the interest of citizens and businesses.

Representing the Government were Lorenzo Guerini, Minister for Defence, Paola De Micheli, Minister for Infrastructure, Lorenzo Fioramonti, Minister for Education, Universities and Research, and Riccardo Fraccaro, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for Space.

Other institutional speeches included those of Johann-Dietrich Worner, Director General of the European Space Agency, Giorgio Saccoccia, President of the Italian Space Agency, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, President of the Constitutional Affairs Committee and of the Conference of Committee Chairmen of the European Parliament, and General Claudio Graziano, President of the European Union Military Committee.



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